Arhive pe categorii: interesting

Impresii din UK 2012 – Saptamana intensiva de Gimnastica Bothmer

16-23 iulie 2012,
Forrest Row
Poza harta (      /   )


Poze Elena  aici (alte linkuri la final)
Mi-am zis ca e o idee buna sa-mi notez impresiile la proaspat dupa aceasta experienta magica.
Am fost plecata intre 16-23 iulie la Forest Row (undeva in sudul Angliei, ceva mai la sud de Londra, am aterizat pe Luton). Aici am participat la un eveniment organizat de BMI (Bothmer Moevement International un eveniment ce a adunat oameni de peste tot (vreo 110 de participanti, cursanti din anul de formare 1-4, post-graduates, si noi veniti din cateva tari: Romania, UK, Ungaria, Olanda, Norvegia, Suedia, Israel, Ukraina + profesori – in mod sigur o sa revin cu adnotari la aceste notite).
Dupa cum unii stiu deja, in sept 2011 m-am inscris la un curs de formare in gimnastica Bothmer, curs de 4 ani, o modalitate de dezvoltare personala si miscare cu sens (

ce m-a impresionat cel mai mult in uk

–  Organizare super, oameni primitori, locatie excelenta, sala de sport cu dotari complete (pt acrobatii, jocuri, sporturi etc).
–  Scoala – m-a impresionat mediul si ce am gasit acolo, peisajul, locatia un conac vechi cu mai multe pajisti verzi cu cel mai moale covor de iarba verde, ce pastra caldura pamantului, un mic rau cu mini cascada, copaci imensi, padure si gradina tainica ce-mi aducea aminte de Alice si tara minunilor, deschiderea si ospitalitatea tuturor spatiilor. Ospitalitatea gazdelor, caldura primirii si felul in care s-au desfasurat toate activitatile.
–  in fiecarezi  am cantat ½ ora cu o super profesoara Kate (as mai scrie si aici inca o pagina de impresii frumoase aici) –
–   ateliere (eu am ales geometrie proiectiva pt 3 zile cu prof Gordon Woolard si desen pt 2 – in rest au mai fost si altele: cantat, cercetasi, orientare, tango, folk dancing etc)
–          activitati sport (acrobatii, tras cu arcul, aruncatul sulitei, volei, badminton, tenis, baschet, etc)
–          si seara se mai continua dupa 22 cu dansuri  folk J
–          am facut si un foc de tabara cu muzica intr-o seara
–          in fiecare zi socializam, am ras mult, am schimbat impresii, am observat detalii subtilitati la exercitii

Observare la exercitii

–          detalii maini – cum deschideau exercitiile cu o grija de parca protejau ceva, gesturile erau de o mare finite
–          simte trecerea de la o extrema la alta – stanga / dreapta cum e cand treci prin mijloc – inbetween moments – cum e starea de actiune / dar nonactiune, cand iei decizia,
–          exercitiul de stretching cu mana  – obs cele 4 elemente – foc energie iute, apa, bleg coopereaza, pamant stabil ff masiv puternic, aer f rapid mobil schimbari bruste
–          calitatea palmei, simtire cum e cand arati cu degetul cum e cand pui toata mana, palma e corespondentul inimiii pieptului  (sa fim mai deschisi, atenti, cu iubire)
–          tematica saptamanii – gandire / simtire / vointa
–          exercitiu marti – cu cei 3 oameni cel din mijl conduce pe cei 2 cu ochii inchisi

Impresii Geometrie proiectiva

–          Do parallel lines ever meet? In Projective Geometry they do, at infinity
–          ‎0 – 1 – infinity ~~~ 0 is the center and 1 is half way to infinity
–          In projective geometry – a horizontal line and a vertical line they are so related to each other and even so they don’t meet (the only possible meeting is at the infinity) the meeting of these two it’s a crucial one – think about the cross, such a strong symbol!
–          Poti intelege legile universului, are menirea de a deschide mintea, intelegi fortele eterice, este o forma de educatie / disciplina armonizeaza dezvoltarea deplina a omuului, mi-as dori sa mai exersam
Poze de grup Hi res – UK 2012
picasa hungary

cursul online “ A inceput Scoala” – cu Ileana Vasilescu

Perioada scolara este un drum de devenire, de cautare de sine, de intelegere a lumii potrivit varstei, de dobandire de aptitudini de invatare, de viata.

Invata cum sa-ti insotesti copilul in perioada scolara pentru ca el sa devina un adult echilibrat, creativ, competitiv.

In cursul online “ A inceput Scoala” – cu Ileana Vasilescu

Detalii inscrieri:

Alte cursuri:



Apa si secretele ei. Totul despre apa (I)


Memoria apei si cum poti deveni mai sanatos, mai capabil si cum poti atinge o treapta superioara in evolutie

Apa este cea mai comună substanţă întâlnită pe Pământ. Ea este cu noi în fiecareclipa a vieţii noastre. Dar cunoaştem oare secretele acestui element extraordinar? De unde a venit? Cine a adus apa pe planeta noastră si de ce? Singura planeta de acest fel din întregul Univers. Probabil că doar apa însăşi cunoaşte răspunsurile la aceste întrebări.

Un documentar de necrezut in care apa este privita din multe unghiuri si care ne dezvaluie lucruri incredibile despre acest element atat de comun si deloc banal.

Stiati ca apa…?

Stiati, de exemplu, ca densitatea apei creşte sub punctul de îngheţ şi scade deasupra acestuia? Orice substanţă se contractă când este răcita, dar apa realizează exact opusul: Se dilată.

Apa este capabilă să creeze presiuni enorme. De exemplu, într-o sămânţa presiunea atinge 400 atmosfere în momentul germinării, ceea ce o face capabila sa strapunga asfaltul cu usurinta.

De ce apa este singura substanţă de pe Planetă care poate exista în trei stări? Nimeni nu a putut raspunde la aceasta intrebare pana acum. Si este doar inceputul…

Charles Fréger Wilder Mann – photo

Charles Fréger 
Wilder Mann

Wilder Mann is the new series by Charles Fréger, taken in 2010 and 2011 across eighteen European countries, from Finland to Greece.

On the trail of the “wild man” and his reemergence, Charles Fréger went in search of “Phenomena”, zoic creations that reflect the primitive form of religions and their reinterpretation in pagan rituals of fertility, sexuality, death and rebirth. Bears, boars, goats, demons and other horned, hairy beasts: Fréger catalogues these “phenomena” of the transformation of man into wild beast and glorifies them in his photographs.

Half anthropology, half photojournalism, Wilder Mann is an archive of antiquity and the customs whose original traces have been lost, a review of traditional cultures from the Middle and Neolithic Ages.

It’s a monumental work of anthropological research: carnivals, winter festivities, fertilization rituals, New Year, Epiphany…some appropriations from other cultures, others not. Certain groups can have an “extremely touristy air” while others are closed off. The study of the mythology of the wild man “is infinite.”

Faced with the “abuse of the real” of our modern world and the artifice of its imagos, Charles Fréger returns with Wilder Mann to a “Degree zero” of representation and offers us an instinctual, brute authenticity through this marvelous, animist voyage.

Taken across Europe, Fréger continues his work in areas across the world.

Still unpublished, a portfolio of the Wilder Mann series was appeared in the latest issue of the magazine Le Monde d’Hermès. The series will also be exhibited in 2012 by the Fondation Hermès in two spaces dedicated to photography: the TH13 Gallery in Berne and the Gallery at Hermès in New York.

Wilder Mann can currently be viewed at the Galerie Fotohof in Salzburg through January 21; at the Museo Vasco in Bilbao from March 7 to March 12, 2012; at the Musée de la Photographie in March 2013. An exhibition will also tour Eastern Europe in 2012.

Finally, Wilder Mann will be the subject of a book available in four languages and released by four European publishers.

Séverine Morel


Erhardplatz 3
5020 Salzburg

Monday – Friday, 15h to 19h
Saturday, 10h to 13h
Through January 21, 2013


10 People Who Used Blogs to Become Recognized as Experts in Their Field

If there is one thing we believe here at Expert Enough it is this: Blogs have the power to change people’s lives.

In this post we are going to show how 10 experts have used blogs to become recognized as top leaders in their field.

There are millions of blogs on the web, but how many of them truly matter? Blogs are used by some people to document their worldwide travels, keep track of their diet, or even just to share pictures of people at Wal-Mart.

The current trend with some of the major social media websites such as Facebook (with the new timeline feature) and Google+ (with longer status updates) is turning towards having your own micro-blog. But, just being active on social media wouldn’t have gotten these ten people to where they are at today.

Blogging was a main factor for these 10 people reaching “expert” status and in this post we’ll dive into how they did it.

(Keep reading to the bottom of the post for a special offer on the brand new course from us: How to Start a Blog That Matters.)


On a quest to travel to every country in the world, Chris Guillebeau has documented his journey at The Art of Non-Conformity blog for the past 4 years. Through all of his writing he has developed himself into an expert in travel hacking.

Chris became known as the best person for figuring out how to maximize airline miles, credit card points, and hotel programs to visit anywhere in the world.

He also developed a membership program called The Travel Hacking Cartel that he shares all the latest deals on miles, hotels, and bonus credit card offers.


What started as a simple epiphany on a cross-town bus that she wanted to be “happy”, Gretchen grew into a highly successful blog called The Happiness Project. She also authored a popular book by the same title.

Over the past few years she has inspired people to live happier lives and has become an expert on happiness.

Without her blog, she might not have had the opportunity to write her book or be featured as an answer on Jeopardy.


Wanting to simplify his life, Leo started writing at Zen Habits in order to change things about his life one piece at a time.

He quit smoking, started running marathons, started eating healthier, explored minimalism, and so much more.Everyday people learn how to change their habits through his site.

Through writing his blog he was able to build a huge audience of people also looking to simplify and improve their own lives. Zen Habits has since been feature on Time’s top 25 blogs in the world twice and Leo continues to do only things that he enjoys doing.


In 2005, Josh started a project called The Personal MBA. He set out to create an alternative to getting an expensive Master’s in Business Administration (a degree that sometimes costs people upwards of six figures to get).

As Josh kept updating the expansive “best business books” list on his site, people started to look up to him as an expert in affordable business education.

Early last year he published a book that has stayed in the top 0.1% of all business books sold on since its publication in January, 2011. Josh formulated the perfect list of lessons people need to learn in business first on his blog, and then in his successful book.


As the rebel leader of Nerd Fitness, Steve teaches desk jockeys how to get fit.

The sheer number of people that are highly active in the Nerd Fitness forums and the success stories he gets from his fans show that Steve is an expert at motivating people to get in shape.

Through his blog, Steve has been able to build a location independent business around helping people get in shape. He now has three guides (general fitness, strength, and running) that people can use to take an pro-active role in their health.


At her blog, White Hot Truth, Danielle teaches entrepreneurs and businesses how to inject authenticity into their otherwise boring brands.

She teaches the act of self-realization through her writing, one-on-one coaching, and speaking.

Just check out her speaking page to get a taste for the authenticity and fire starting aspect that surrounds her. By blogging just like she would talk in real-life, she has created a brand around herself that would be hard to portray only being offline.


Our first guest on The Expert Enough Show, Benny Lewis, makes a living off of teaching people foreign language hacking. But he doesn’t teach people in person, he teaches people through his blog Fluent in 3 Months.

As he travels to new countries to learn new languages himself, he shares lessons he’s learns along the way on his blog (sometimes in multiple languages).

His flagship course teaches people that you can speak from day 1 when you are learning a new language.


In the process of paying off his family’s consumer debt and traveling through Australia and New Zealand, Adam started writing at Man Vs. Debt. Adam has now become an expert at helping people pay off their debt.

He is an expert at teaching people how to sell their crap, un-automate their finances, and pay off their debt.

Adam has studied and understands what makes people go into debt in the first place and struggle to fight their way out of it. He learned all of these things by connecting with people through his blog, sharing what he’s learned in his new podcast, and helping people make big financial changes in their lives.


If there is a social media platform you want to learn the ins and outs of for your business, Laura has a course on it.

Laura used blogging to build an audience for her business and then leveraged her blog on social media all over the web.

One of her most popular courses, Zero to Facebook, has helped a ton of people build a presence on Facebook from scratch. She has become an expert in teaching people how to dominate social media.


Pam’s brand, Escape from Cubicle Nation, is both a popular bookand blog. By blogging about topics that new entrepreneurs are interested in hearing about, she was able to build up a strong brand around herself.

Pam now speaks to and coaches cubicle renegades all over the world.

By building an audience at her blog, Pam positioned herself as the expert that could help them the most.


While Seth was known to some before he started blogging, writing his daily thoughts on his typepad website took him to the next level.

Now, all of his books are instant hits, his blog posts get thousands of shares everyday, and he is considered a marketing guru.

Blogging took Seth Godin from famous to expert.


Anyone can create a blog in 5 minutes, but very few people will create blogs that matter.

That’s why we’ve put together a brand new course called How to Start a Blog That Matters.

This course is meant for three groups of people. This course might be for you if:

  • you’re thinking about starting a new blog, from scratch, or
  • you’re unhappy with the results you’ve gotten from a blog you recently launched, or
  • you’re doing OK with your blog, but want to re-brand and re-launch it to take things to the next level

How to Start a Blog that Matters is a 90-day action plan for starting a new blog from the ground up. It includes 13 weekly lessons, over 8 hours of video tutorials, 2 bonus case studies, 2 interviews with Leo and Danielle from above, and step-by-step action plans.

Blogging can change people’s lives. It has changed ours and it can change yours too.

Gimnastica Bothmer – cursuri si workshops Bucuresti 2012

Gimnastica Bothmer
este o cale de dezvoltare personala potrivita individului modern, care consta in reeducarea posturii corpului fizic si a obisnuintelor de miscare. aplicatiile practice ale GB sunt aproape in toate domenile vietii cotidiene, de la armonizarea comunicarii in cuplu la managementul stress-ului in relatiile profesionale.


Mesaj de la Claudiu Panculescu, organizatorul acestor cursuri:

Dragi prieteni,

Vă urez ca în 2012 să vă împliniţi cât mai multe dintre dorinţe!

Doresc apoi să vă spun câteva cuvinte despre hainele cele noi pe care cursul deschis de gimnastică Bothmer (din zilele de luni) le va îmbrăca începând din 2012:

Pornind de la faptul că ne naştem cu un set de pattern-uri inconştiente pe care le numim arhetipuri

… că adesea nu ne dăm seama când un arhetip ne influenţează (într-un sens sau altul) modul în care

relaţionăm cu ceilalţi…

… şi că devenind mai conştienţi de arhetipurile pe care le trăim, ne creăm o viaţă sufletească mai bogată şi mai împlinită (cultivându-le într-un sens nou, conştient)…

Vă invit să explorăm împreună anumite arhetipuri şi vă propun să începem cu arhetipurile zodiacului, activându-le interior şi echilibrându-le prin căutarea unui raport just şi conştient între forţele spaţiale arhetipale exterioare. Vom face acest lucru prin jocuri, exerciţii de amplificare a percepţiei, mişcări cu sens şi exerciţii tipice gimnasticii Bothmer.

Vom lucra la fiecare arhetip zodiacal câte 3-4 întâlniri, în zilele de Luni, între orele 19:00 – 21:00, iar costul unei întâlniri este de 20 ron.

Pentru cei care nu sunt disponibili lunea, dar sunt interesaţi să lucreze prin mişcare temele respective, există posibilitatea să se reia tema din fiecare lună printr-un workshop de câteva ore într-una din zilele de Sâmbătă ale lunii respective, dacă vor fi îndeajuns de mulţi doritori.

Detaliile despre tematica zodiei Capricorn, în afişul din attach:

PDF prezentare workshop: capricorn

Prezentul mesaj nu trebuie în niciun caz înţeles în sensul că doar nativii acestei zodii pot sau ar trebui să participe ci, dimpotrivă, recomandarea este să se lucreze cât mai multe zodii (ideal toate), pentru că lucrul cu dispoziţiile zodiacale în diversitatea lor întregeşte imaginea despre relaţia om-cosmos.

Pe cei care doresc să participe îi rog să mă anunţe prin tel/sms/e-mail, precizând dacă pot participa lunea sau sâmbăta.

Vă aştept cu drag,

Claudiu, 0723 144 201



Sambata 14 ianuarie, de la ora 9 – 14 cu o pauza de pranz,
workshopul pt cei care nu pot ajunge lunea, este un curs deschis tuturor.
Detalii la telefon
Programul este:
9.00   – 11.00   partea 1
11.00 – 11.15   pauza
11.15 – 12.45   partea 2
12.45 – 13.00   pauza
13.00 – 14.45   partea 3


Workshop – Elemente de miscare Bothmer-17 dec– brasov

17 dec – sambata – brasov
Gimnastica Bothmer
este o cale de dezvoltare personala potrivita individului modern, care consta in reeducarea posturii corpului fizic si a obisnuintelor de miscare. aplicatiile practice ale GB sunt aproape in toate domenile vietii cotidiene, de la armonizarea comunicarii in cuplu la managementul stress-ului in relatiile profesionale.

Vino sit u sa experimentezi elemente d emiscare cu sens, relatia ta cu spatiul si cu ceilalti, jocuri care te vor binedispune, testeaza-ti abilitatile si accepta noi provocari.

Cateva detalii despre workshopul trecut,

tinut tot la Brasov in luna oct gasiti aici:

Pt orice intrebari legate de participare si costuri ne poti intreba la tel 0726 147 786, sau e-mail,
Costurile sunt relative in functie de nr de participanti, daca aduci pe cineva poti obtine si o reducere.

ii rog pe cei care au fost la workshopul trecut sa impartaseasca impresiile lor aici. Si daca aveti prieteni interesati de acest workshop spuneti-le si lor si dati link-ul mai departe!

Workshop – Elemente de miscare Bothmer- Dezvoltare personala

Gimnastica Bothmer

este o cale de dezvoltare personala potrivita individului modern, care consta in reeducarea posturii corpului fizic si a obisnuintelor de miscare. aplicatiile practice ale GB sunt aproape in toate domenile vietii cotidiene, de la armonizarea comunicarii in cuplu la managementul stress-ului in relatiile profesionale.
Saturday, October 29 · 10:00am – 6:00pm
Brasov, Scoala nr 11, str Busuiocului nr 1 (in spate la ITC)
Indrazneste sa faci primul pas!


Deschide PDF-ul de prezentare:

PDF – WS Brasov


afisul de prezentare – detalii costuri- locatie – date de contact


PS: pt cei din Bucuresti in fiecare zi de luni de la 19-21 se fac ore de Bothmer  – detalii la tel: +40 723 144 201